Using HG therapy to support the wellbeing of adolescents

Yvonne Yates and Cathy Atkinson from Manchester University explored the effectiveness of the HG approach in working with teenagers who were reporting poor subjective wellbeing. Their findings were published in ‘Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development’.

This beautifully written paper really conveys a lot of detail about the approach

Publications details

Publications details

You can view the abstract and paper at the permanent URL:
doi: 10.1080/02643944.2010.548395

Copies of the paper can also be obtained by emailing Cathy at: [email protected]

Reference citation:
Yates, Y and Atkinson, C. (2011) Using Human Givens therapy to support the well-being of adolescents: a case example.  Pastoral Care in Education, 29, 1, 35–47.

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